Weakest Link - Season 1 : Episode 11


    The American version of the British television game show The Weakest Link aired in two separate formats, one on primetime network television and one in daily syndication. The primetime Weakest Link debuted on NBC April 16, 2001 and aired until July 14, 2002. The series' final ten episodes went unaired until 2003, when PAX TV aired some of them. The remainder aired on GSN, which maintains broadcast rights to the series. While the primetime series was still in production, the daily syndicated series was being developed. That series debuted at midseason in 2002, premiering on January 7, 2002, and aired for a season and a half before ending its run on May 20, 2003. Reruns of this series would join the primetime series on both PAX and GSN but neither series is currently airing.

    Season 1 Episodes


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